Music Quality

I do believe that vinyl is the best way to listen to music.  It seems the warmth that comes from vinyl records cannot be replicated through digitally compressed music.  Even music that is uncompressed like FLAC files cannot seem to contain the same warmth that vinyl does.  I do not have much experience with vinyl to be honest but I have heard enough to make a preliminary opinion on the issue.  It is truly amazing what technology can do but at times it seems to make human connection sterile.  From interactions in person to interactions over Snapchat or Twitter, society has changed.  Just like in class it used to be that singers had massive dynamic range in their live shows because they had no microphone to sing into but with the birth of the microphone, singers could sing at a flat volume and the variation in pitch could only be modified by distance from the microphone.  The variation in tone can still be found over a microphone but it is not the same.  This feels so similar to me as music quality because you can listen to a song on vinyl and then listen to the same song on a FLAC file and the vinyl will simply sound better, subjectively.  More work had to be done in the recording process to create certain sounds that can now be done digitally.  Prior to digital music, artists had to work with rooms physically as in placing sound proofing on the walls, creating buildings that have perfect acoustics for recording.  These things can still be useful today but much more can be done with digital editing to create certain effects like reverb or echo whereas in the past a room would have to be designed to create that effect and much more physical effort had to be used to get the same sound.  Is this something that is bad for society?  I do not think so.  I think it is a very visible sign of the times and I do not think society would benefit from returning to that style of music recording because it was something that fit the time years ago.  I believe what society has working now is what needs to be done but there is still something to say about losing that raw, natural warmth from music.

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