Paying for Music?

The position on paying for music is a conflicting one for society.  Maybe not for the average person as some pay for music and some do not and there are some who are a mix of both.  Seems similar to white hats and black hats within the hacking community and then there being gray hats who are a mix of white and black hats.  Those who torrent music may do so because they do not view spending money on music as useless.  There are multiple reasons for this mindset, though.  Some people find torrenting so convenient that they do not feel the need to drive to the store to buy a CD or they find it inconvenient to plug in credit card information to pay for the album on iTunes or to do the same for Spotify.  Some people see that the record industry takes most of the money any artist would make off an album sale and they do not feel it is right to support that kind of business model.  The only issue with this is that record labels in the future will be able to charge people for each play of a song because of an inaudible signal in every music file, such as what was discussed in class.  Labels have always been greedy, thieving companies and now they are trying to charge listeners for every listen of a song even after the initial purchase.  This business model is so similar to rentals rather than actual music owning.  People will no longer own their music, they will always be streaming and always paying for each stream.  This will absolutely be detrimental to the music industry as people will not be willing to pay for music and will download illegal music files instead of the legal ones that they will be charged for with each listen.  In this sense, artists will only gain money from their concerts and merchandise, which many of them do that already but without funding record labels, tour promotions and recording funding will all go downhill.  This may actually turn out to be something beneficial to the music industry after all.  This will put the weight of tour promoting and recording costs on the artists themselves.  It will put more stress on these bands and artists but hopefully it will make artists more free to do what they please with who they tour with and what kind of music they make and how that music is released.

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